Born out of too much free time during the first pandemic peak, drummer of Kombynat Robotron and Earthbong Tommy Handschick createt an alienated collage of sounds and noises with different instruments and objects. Build with up to 30 layers, each part slowly evolves and moves on into the next part and paints a diverse range of abstract musical pictures.
With more or less no knowledge about recording technology and software, Fungal Dimension is a Lo-Fi work of sound and feel, reveals it qualitys in a pure crackling form.
Inspired by the longform percussion drones of bands like Vibracathidral Orchestra, Ashtray Navigations and even The Necks, he tries to lead the listener in his own imagination. Rewarded for his perseverance in this not overall easy listening stream of strumming, droning, rustling, chaotic noise.
The self-titled debut album was released in 2020. Shortly after that, FUNGAL DIMENSION's Tommy Handschick got in contact with Adansonia Records. The upcoming album Deconica/Phellinus will be released there on white/black splattered and black vinyl and of course also as a limited tape edition - release soon!
It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine: Review and track premiere
"(...) This self-titled debut a Lo-Fi work of sound and feeling, the record reveals it qualities in a pure crackling form. Both tracks are inspired by the longform percussion drones of bands like Vibracathedral Orchestra, Ashtray Navigations and even The Necks. Handschick tries to lead the listener into his own imagination. This is not an easy listening experience but a stream of strumming, droning, rustling, chaotic noise. This is some pure and great art."
Wolves In The Drone Doom: Review
"A side project that came about through lockdown boredom (a very familiar story this year!) from the drummer of the rather splendid Earthbong, this is 80+ minutes of experimental ambient droning noise. it's split into two tracks which, much like his main band, evolve at a snails pace but still manage to keep an intensity and intrigue for the listener. (...)"
Betreutes Proggen: Review
"(...) Die Klänge auf “Fungal Dimension” sind das Ergebnis einer dreißigspurigen Aufnahme, die sich stetig aufbauen und gegenseitig in hypnotische Trance versetzen. Betörender Drone reibt sich an Noise und streichelt mit atmosphärischen Sounds die Synapsen.
Es ist eine finstere Séance, die Fungal Dimension hier präsentiert. Das psychedelische Konstrukt aus Noise und Drone ist definitiv ein Werk, auf dass man sich einlassen muss. (...)"